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Asia-literacy and Global Competence -  English Version+eBook  24.99

ASIA-LITERACY AND GLOBAL COM-PETENCE is a collection of vignettes and articles about Asia and the world. In bringing the Asian segment onto the western stage, Alicia Su Lozeron emphasizes the invaluable contributions of the Asian sector to the global village.  An irresistible shift of global power renders awareness about global competence ever more important.  She aims to raise that awareness and connects the West to the East by researching and analyzing facts as well as describing experiences of cross-cultural nature.  Her content is compelling, and her tales, beautifully narrated.
Through her translation and com-munication management company, Asia-America Connection Society, AACS 亚美合作协会, Alicia Su Lozeron has promoted Asia-literacy and urged global competence.  Her diligence in providing quality content related to Asia and the globe has proven to be rewarding, both to her own personal fulfillment, and to the global village’s needs.  For herself, the work is her cause and calling.  She gains a great deal of gratification through hard work and creation.  For the world, her work is beneficial and educational in the ways it introduces peoples and cultures of various heritages and embraces world citizens of the global village. Her advocacy for mutual understanding and collaboration among cultures is vital for your company or personal accomplishments, on a business, cultural, educational, or entertainment dimension.


Asia-literacy and Global Competence - Chinese Version+e-Book 26.99

亚洲智识与全球文化能力收藏作者有关亚洲和世界的文章和故事。 在强调亚洲对世界之贡献的同时,Alicia Su Lozeron/苏明采老师展现一个非常宝贵的界面, 让世人了解亚洲在地球村的特殊地位。 她表示,世界权力正经历一种不可抗拒的变化, 研究东西文化差异可以相辅相成,成为具备全球文化能力不可或缺的重要训练领域。她的目标在于提高亚洲智识并连接东西文化。多年研究和分析事实以及介绍跨文化性的经验,使得苏老师的作品独具一格、发人省思。 她的文章令人信服, 而她的故事、委婉动人。

通过她所创建的翻译沟通管理公司、Asia-America Connection Society亚美合作协会,苏老师不但促进世人对亚洲的了解、提高亚洲智识,并且促请东西人士客观看世界、加强全球文化能力。 致力提供高质量的亚洲和全球的经济、政治、文化等相关的分析,她的写作事业是具有相当意义的。对自己而言,她的工作是一种个人的实现,而对世界来说,她的工作极为吻合地球村的需求。苏老师的文化事业便是她的使命和愿望。在辛勤沟通和创作时,她获得了很大的满足感。精通东西文化的苏老师希望能教育世界,在介绍各国人民和各种文化之间的各种美妙共通处及差异点时、她鼓励世人拥抱全球村, 活出自己身为世界公民的亮丽生命,享受宏伟地球给予世人的美好景致。

Alicia Su Lozeron/苏明采老师倡导文化之间相互的理解和合作。她的议题对于您的公司或个人的成就来说是至关重要的。在商业、文化、教育或娱乐的各个层面上,她的作品皆能提供您无价的洞悉力。以下是读者或客户自苏老师作品中所得的益处:


•帮助我理解不同背景的人, 并扩展有关世界的知识;




•帮助我认识做人处事的观点 -- 希望、勇气 和对他人的尊重;







“Think Global Live Noble思考在全球,生活要崇高!”--  让我们一起构建美好的世界!

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Gift of Culture and Love

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